Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Inspirations : Stefano D. Agostinelli

The source of my blog's name : HEVIN.... He came up with this, Stefano and I met in the fall of 2004 while I studied at Le Rosey. The friendship grew but was ended by his death, the day before my sweet sixteen, on June 13th 2008. He inspired me (along with other people to start this blog) because through the 4 years i lived with him in boarding school he never backed off in front of any obstacle and god knows there were plenty. Anything from journalism to soccer was within reach of his talent. The name HEVIN was invented by him and he was working on a project that i had the chance to see and give my opions on, it was spectacular. Through this blog i guess i'm just trying to make his legacy live on. HEVIN is an acronym for Heaven, Exclusive, Virtue, Intelect and Nirvana. In this blog, i will post everything that catches my eyes and hopefully yours as well. Enjoy.... and remember You Are Who You Can Be
R.I.H (Rest In Hevin) Stefano


  1. R.I.H (Rest In Hevin) Stefano

  2. Stefano's brothers will ensure his legacy lives on, be sure of that.

  3. Rest in hevin, I will always rember you, and all that I have learn't from you and what you have taught me! No one will ever forget your greatness and stuborness to always go on!

