So its 3:17 AM, i took a cold shower on a hot summer night to find some sleep but instead i found food for thought. This phrase came to my mind a couple days ago You Are Who You Can Be. I wont copyright this because allthough i belive i invented it, i must have heard it somewhere else. So these words probably translate the mood I've been in since a week or so. I see inspiration everywhere and anywhere for anything i want to do. And nothing can get in my way for this. ergh... i'm gonna start speaking for all of you out there that will read this (so far its only 2 people haha). Whatever gets in between you and your goal CAN be jumped over... picture this, you are Usain Bolt running a 110m hurdles and every hurdle is an obstacle. The Hurdle just materializes haters, money or anything that you might think will stop you from that finish line a.k.a success. So Yea, You Are Who You Can Be and dnt let anybody tell you "you can't do this" or anything will smith might have said while pursuing happiness. And If Anyone asks you why you are doing this, why you are designing these clothes, why you are making this beat... you don't need an explanation but simply say "Because I Can".
Good Night World... Hello Dreamland :-)
You have a great attitude!